A few important reminders for JMS students: No school Mon., Jan. 20 . Tues., 3:30-5:30 & Thurs., 5-8 we will be hosting open conferences. After school Success is only Wed. The Vision Van is offering students FREE back-up/replacement glasses, please send in a copy of their prescription by Thurs. Jan. 23rd.
Jackson City Schools is partnering with Vision to Learn , a FREE service to our students including a vision screening, routine eye exam and if needed eyeglasses. If you do not want your child to participate in this free service beginning Tues., Dec. 10 please contact our school nurse, Lori Moore, lmoore@jcs.k12.oh.us or call (740) 288-7586.
The last day for Success for 2024 is Thurs. Dec. 12 for after school and Fri. Dec. 13 for morning Success. The Success program will pick back up on January 13, 2025!
The last day of school before break is Dec. 20 and the students will return to school Jan. 6, 2025.
Thanksgiving Break is November 27th-December 2nd. Students will return to school on Tuesday, December 3rd.
Parent Teacher Conferences are Mon. and Tues., Oct. 21 (3:30-6:30pm) & 22 (5-8pm). On both evenings we will have the Scholastic Book Fair. Our 1st Success Family night will be held on Tues. from 6-7pm here at JMS. If you would like your child signed up for Success, registration forms are in the office.
There is a mandatory parent meeting on August 27 regarding the 6th grade class trip. If you want all the details be sure to plan to attend Tuesday at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. You will enter by the football field. Regarding questions, you may email aevans@jcs.k12.oh.us or jwest@jcs.k12.oh.us This will be the kick off for the first fundraiser.
The Jackson City Board of Education regular meeting for June will be hold on Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 6:00pm. The meeting will take place in room 110 of Jackson High School.
If you would like to watch the live feed of our graduation ceremony the link is below. The stream should start at approximately 7:30 with commencement beginning at 8:00pm.
If you would like to watch the Senior Assembly, here is the link: https://youtube.com/live/4FUJCw_bQGQ?feature=share
This message is for all parents and guardians of 6th grade students going on the Washington DC trip. There will be an informational meeting on Thursday May 16th at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school cafeteria. Students may attend, but it is not mandatory if they have other obligations.
School picture days are upcoming.
There will be no school for students on Tuesday March 19th. This will be a staff development day.
Makennah Craft is now a 3x State Champion! Congratulations to her and the wrestling program!